Tag: Bootstrap
Pasco Sample Template
Pasco is an elegant multipurpose website template that looks like was made using Google Material Design. The design is clean and modern and uses a lovely color scheme. You can use Bootstrap framework to implement it. This free psd was made by Igor Ten. To purchase full version 210 psd, please visit this link. [symple_button url=”https://gumroad.com/l/QzhG”…
Vanzer : Free PSD Portfolio Website
Vanzer is a free PSD template for portfolio website. It’s fully layered and editable. All of layers are named and organized to be easy to use. It is based on 1170px Bootstrap grid. This awesome work was released by Crophos. [symple_button url=”https://www.dropbox.com/s/cqxel0ibt3pxvq5/Vanzer_Main_File.zip?dl=0″ color=”blue” button_target=”_blank” btnrel=”nofollow”]Download[/symple_button]